Names under which DES and related drugs have been sold:
This list is not exhaustive, as there is no complete listing i.e. a list which contains all the generic and proprietary names available for the period in question.
- Ambigen
- Amenorone
- Amenorone Forte
- Antiferont
- Barboestrol
- Clinestrol
- Climatost
- Cyrogene A
- Cyrogene B
- Dienobarb
- Dienoestrol
- Diesavite
- Dihydrostilboestrol
- Diescron
- Duogynon injections
- Duogynon oral
- Enavid
- Estigyn
- Estigyn Elixir
- Estinyl
- Ethidol
- Eticyclin
- Euvalerol M
- Ferandren
- Hexoestrol
- Hextrol
- Honvan
- Lut-Ovocyclin
- Menoclimax
- Menoform Injections
- Menotone
- Menstrogen Injetions
- Menstogen Tablets
- Menstrone
- Mepilin
- Mepilin Elixir
- Mixogen
- Neo-Oestranol
- Neo-Oestrogenine
- O.C.P.
- Oestroform
- Oestroform Aqueous
- Oestrogenine
- Oestrogenine Compound
- Oramen
- Orasecron
- Ovestin
- Ovocyclin
- Pabestrol
- Pabestrol D
- Pausandryl
- Premarin
- Premarin with Meprobamate
- Premarin with Methyltestosterone
- Primodian
- Primodian Depot
- Primogyn C
- Primogyn Depot
- Stilboestrol
- Stilboestrol Diphosphate
- Stilboestrol Diproprionate
- Synthovo
- Tace
- Theelin
- Thyboestrol
- Vallestril
- Viraxasterol
List from pamphlet You may be a DES Daughter produced by DES Action Australia, 1983